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The Politics of Humanitarian Intervention in the International Realpolitik

Zain Maulana

Humanitarian intervention is a controversial action in the contemporary international politics. It has hardly questioned and challenged due to the notion of state sovereignty, and self-national interest. Since 2005, the new doctrine of Responsibility to Protect promise a new approach in humanitarian intervention includes the attempt to minimize self-national interest of the intervenors and the dilemma between sovereignty and human rights protection.

In the international politics, state sovereignty become a problematic notion. States enables to hide from the human rights violations behind the wall of sovereignty. Meanwhile, the notion of sovereignty is likely to understood in a dual-standard manner for most of great states. For example, Russia refuse to intervene Syria due to the state sovereignty reason, while they intervened Georgia and ignore the sovereignty of the state. In addition, United States and France call for intervention to Syria, however, they are likely to ignore the Israeli intervention to Palestinians in Gaza. The international realpolitik encourage the humanitarian intervention seems likely to driven by whether the national interest or related to the range of political influence of great power.

This article will examine premise of the doctrine of Responsibility to Protect as the new basis of humanitarian intervention practices in the international politics with arguing sovereignty as political notion and political instrument of states.

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2 komentar:

  1. aduh..... gak bisa donlot di scribd, mau dikirimin nah via inbox: arrahmanprivate01@gmail.com

    1. Aktifkan dulu emailnya mas. Nanti bisa download. Makasih :))
